Divisio Acoustic Screen

The Divisio Acoustic Screen offers a great sound absorption coefficient of 0.7. It provides privacy and ensures wellbeing for workers in the open plan.

Panel System

Designed to compartmentalize diaphanous spaces through microarchitectural configurations, Panel System develops an extensive range of panels that generate independent environments as well as integrators in open spaces.

Partito Wall

Partito Wall brings structure to open areas and offers support for the different types of task carried out during the working day. This flexible and ingenious system optimises the use of square meters.


P70 is a high-end, exclusive furniture programme. It creates inspiring management and meeting areas. P70 combines the skilled workmanship of selected materials with technical components for efficient communication.

Oto bench

The Oto bench, a timeless aesthetic that remains. A design that completes this family of seats, available in two sizes, in oak or beech and a host of dyes.


The stool Oto with a round base that builds a good seat in any of its heights, the stool to Oto keep the essence of the usual seats …

Space optimization + Analytics

An episodic workplace study that empowers facility managers with easy-to-understand data, giving them the information they need to make the most of real estate.

Ology Bench

Ology is the first desk solution that supports the physiology and biology of users to make the workspace a healthier place.


Ology is the first desk solution that supports the physiology and biology of users to make the workspace a healthier place.


Northside chair supports different work styles and activities, creating a cohesive aesthetic in office spaces.

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